You were born inside your head and that is where you'll be when you are dead.


Welcome to the Centistate! We're your glorious leader, Centipedve.

This is a website which we plan to use for topics ranging from media review to discussions of religion. Almost anything and everything we have to say about things that exist will probably find a place here eventually. So yes, it is an incredibly self indulgent space.

To get it out of the way - we're queer and neurodivergent, so we focus a lot on issues pertaining to queerness and neurodivergence. We are also very socially progressive, anti-censorship, anti-purity culture, anti-capitalist, and decently in favor of youthlib. We consider ourselves anti-capitalist instead of something like 'communist' because we know we are fundamentally against capitalism but we don't have a solid grasp yet of what we favor and how we favor it. Reading communist theory has admittedly been something we've slacked on, so until then, we'll keep ourselves out of any designations. We're also Christian, and that impacts some of our ideals.

Our civic stance is something we cannot cleanly define. While we agree with anarchists on the majority of currently relevant issues, we do not consider ourselves an anarchist in any regard. Don't get us wrong - every currently existing government we're educated on is shit to us. Fuck the police and fuck surveillance and fuck the election cycle. We, however, are obligated into a certain position due to our status between being human and being conceptual. Basically, we are unlabeled within the logical world, and authoritarian within the spiritual world. This will be expanded upon within the 'the state' section on the sidebar once we get around to writing that beast up. Yes, feel free to call us a dirty centrist or a filthy statist. Even if we think your hatred or distrust is unfounded, there's nothing we can do to alter any unfavorable viewpoints as a result of our spiritual state.

What else? Well, we're currently running a webcomic which you can find at ideologies dot neocities dot org. We're an artist and writer with numerous accomplishments when it comes to our beloved NaNoWriMo. Our most recent accomplishment was 50k in 7 days! We're also learning C# because we're one of those freaks who thinks they actually have a shot doing game development one day. But when it comes to worldly languages, we're kind of beginner intermediate at German and a total beginner with Arabic, but we're trying our best at it. So, basically, we do a lot of shit and we're a sweat.

Feel free to hit us up at our Tumblr, which can be found at the URL centi-pedve.

FLASH WARNING | Stamps | Stamps | Stamps | Stamps


Boxed images sourced from Realicide and Magical Girl Raising Project
